Makeup, Costumes and Props

Makeup, Costumes and Props

Makeup and Hair

Because of our protagonist's Asperger Syndrome the makeup and hair styling within our trailer is minimal. Our research showed that females with Asperger's tend to pay little attention to the way in which they present themselves, often opting for a simple, wash and go hair style and little/no makeup, this is the look we went for in our trailer. The unglamorized presentation of our protagonist helped in creating a sense of verisimilitude within our trailer, helping in creating its social realism genre.


Our research showed that while females with Asperger's often pay little attention to their hair and makeup, they often choose to express themselves through their clothing and sense of style. this lead us to dress our protagonist in a wide variety of colours including a large bright blue coat and glittery shoes. Asperger's is a sensory disorder which means that often those with the condition opt for more comfortable, practical clothes that are less overwhelming, our protagonist is seen in a lot of soft jumpers reflecting this element of the condition. Finally, we decided to present the split personality which our protagonist suffers, between her harsh school environment and home, through our costuming. During school scenes our protagonist is often seen wearing a blazer; reflecting both the practical, slightly masculine dress sense typical of females with Asperger's and the rigidity of her school life and persona; while during scenes at home she is seen in looser, more comfortable, and often more colourful clothing; reflecting an increase in her freedom in this environment.


With art being a key feature of our trailer, the majority of out props were art related. We borrowed an easel from our school art department for our protagonist to paint on, created our own acrylic paintings, based on polygonal artwork found on the internet, created drawings for her to create and supplied her art room with the necessary art supplies.
