Certificate Rating

Certificate Rating

The BBFC categorises films using 5 different ratings; U, PG, 12/12A, 15 and 18. U stands for Universal, meaning that it should be acceptable for anyone aged 4 and over and PG (parental guidance) films are for general viewing, however there are some scenes that may be unsuitable for young children. 12/12A films are suitable for children aged 12 and over and people under the age of 12 are recommended not to watch 12A films without adult supervision. 15 rated films are suitable only for those aged 15 and over, often including harsher language and content of a more sexual nature, and 18 rated films are only suitable for adults encompassing almost all material seen as inappropriate for the 15 audiences.

Our film would most likely fall into either the 12/12A or 15 ratings, covering topics that would be too heavy for younger audiences while not being particularly risqué or violent.

12/12A vs. 15

Our Certificate Rating...
