Trailer- Second Draft and Storyboard Alterations

Trailer- Second Draft

Storyboard Alterations

The Second draft of our trailer is much more evolved than the first with all of the footage filmed and incorporated, text screens added, and sound included within the draft.  However, there were many alterations made during the editing of our second draft which pulled it away from out original storyboard intentions.

When we came to recording and editing in the scripted dialogue it ended up taking up much more time than we had planned meaning we were no longer able to create a trailer made up of a series of scenes and instead had to go for more of a montage style trailer. This altered our trailer dramatically but we decided it was necessary as the dialogue is the key indicator of plot within the piece.

We also had to cut scenes from our trailer which we were unable to film effectively. The scene in the hallway was reduced to simply dropping the drawing on the ground as, despite our best efforts and research, the contrast between the cool outside light and warm inside was too much to work around with the equipment available to us, we did however manage to correctly light the painting in a shot free of natural lighting and incorporate this as one of our trailer's major plot points. We also had to cut the intended painting brush strike shots as the paints and canvases we had bought did not work as effectively as we had hoped, fading quickly and leaving holes in the paint with the texture of the canvas (as seen in our first draft).


  1. It is def looking better and you’ve taken on board you’re feedback so well done. Now let’s sort the sound. Still consider a more emotional re-record, and chop/layer the sound. As you’re using copyright free music, keep trawling and see if there’s anything else there. From Miss Page, also consider whether you have a colour palette and how you can emphasise this. Especially if it is an art related trailer!


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