Light Bulbs

Light bulbs

When we came to test the lighting in my house we discovered that the light bulb that we have in the hallway was too orange and the contrast between the indoor and outside lighting whilst the character was coming through the door appeared very bad on camera. To correct this we decided to buy a new light bulb for the hallway light and getting the brightest one possible to try and match the outside light as best we could. To buy the Bulbs we needed to do some research:

Elements of a light bulb:


Measure of colour temperature. Works of a scale of 1,000 to 10,000 going from orange to blue light with a match flame being 1,000K and north light (blue sky) at 10,000K. Sunlight is around 6,500K


Watts are a measure of the amount of energy a lightbulb uses. A standard 100W bulb will produce 1,600 lumens.

CRI value:

Colour Rendering Index -  works on a scale of 0 to 100 percent measuring how accurate a 'given' light source is at rendering colour when compared to a 'reference' light source. The higher the CRI, the better the colour rendering ability.

What we needed:

Kelvins:                                                                7,000+ K

Watts:                                                                   70+ W

CRI Value:                                                           aprox. 80
