Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

What we learned

After showing the trailer for ‘Borderlines’ to our target audience, the response we received overall was extremely positive. We found that our dramatic use of sound and editing techniques in conjunction with the professional use of camera work made the storytelling shine through and effectively engaged the audience. This was shown by the fact that the audience was able to formulate an idea of what might happen in the rest of the film, creating a talking point without giving too much of the plot away. 

A majority of the audience was able to identify the genre of the trailer, sitting between drama and coming of age. It was pointed out that this was made apparent though the use of camerawork and framing, as well as the more naturalistic and subtle use of colour correction and layering of diegetic audio with appropriate emotive music and voiceover.

We also received feedback on things that we could improve within the trailer, such as further utilisation of secondary lighting which could focus on the main character to further emphasise her isolation from society.

The positive feedback was encouraging and solidified our satisfaction with the final iteration of the film trailer for ‘Borderlines’ overall, as the intended audience was able to pick up on the aspects of the trailer that were intended to make it effectively engaging. As well as this, 100% of the audience stated that they would definitely see the full film after their first impression from the trailer.
