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Evaluation Question 4

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? Information used for filming: Construction: ·       Camera (Canon 700 D) -   High Quality, better focal range than smartphone, DSLR (digital single lens-reflex), 39-point autofocus sensor, HDR bracketing (easy high- dynamic-range imaging) ·       Premier Pro – Editing, Professional look and feel, aided in focusing on the storytelling and structure of the trailer, colour correction (professional, cohesive, desaturated convention of social realism), enabled us to effectively blend diegetic and non-diegetic sound · – high quality, copyright free music, helped us in reflecting and heightening the mood of the trailer ·       Garage band – blend together sound for trailer, flatline and music, gradual inclusion ·       Phones , to record diegetic sound, - enabled us to get a better clarity of sound as camera was far away from

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